Sunday, January 13, 2013

Drilling Holes for the Hop Trellis Mainline Poles

With the field layed out and marked with flags, we we're able to drill the holes. If you're doing this sort of digging or drilling... call JULIE first. With underground directional boring these days, you can't tell if there is something down there. In some cases, it's not even supposed to be there but you won't know unless you hit it or JULIE finds it.

A Bobcat skid-steer with large diameter auger bit here. These make short work of digging holes.

Here nearly all the holes are complete. It looks like a prairie dog ranch.

That's a 4-5' deep hole. You wouldn't want to step into that.

It was a long cold day and with equipment failures we weren't able to complete all the holes; we're just fifteen short. Next we'll be relocating, cleaning the underground contact portion and coating them with a copper sulfate treatment.